Sunday, May 31, 2009

Someone has my iPod!!!!??

As you may remember, my iPod was stolen a few months ago (in January or late December) during a trip Evan and I took to the south of Thailand.

I recently added Google's Analytics software to my blogs to see how many people were reading then (or if anyone was! as there are very few comments). One of its features is it can tell you how people get to your site: if they come directly, or click on a link somewhere, or perform a search and find your blog.


Someone googled the inscription on the back of my iPod and found my blog. So, someone has my iPod. Please, if you're reading this, take pity on me. Leave a comment. I don't care how you got it as long as you give it back.

Please. It was a good iPod. I miss it.

I'll give you some reward money, or something.


Mandaline said...

What's the inscription?

I hope you get it back!

Lara said...

a little good karma goes a long way...