Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Weekend in Kanchanaburi

Evan and I spent the past weekend in Kanchanaburi, finally making good on our promises to each other that we would travel more on the weekends. It wasn't a long trip from Sam Phran, about 3 hours each way. The first day we relaxed by the river.

In the evening we had a few beers, and . . . relaxed by the river.

The next day we went to Erawan waterfalls. We caught a glimpse of this little blue guy (for another look at him check out my daily photo blog) just chillin on a tree. Some members of our group even thought he was plastic, he was sitting so still, but when I ventured closer to check for breathing, he ran away.

A shot of a small falls.

Oh, and be careful, there are fierce monkeys around!

Here they are. Don't they look scary?

Really terrifying. Don't worry, we survived, although we were shaking in our boots. (Well, our flip-flops.)

Another shot of the falls.

It was really hot, and very humid, so we all wanted to take a swim. This suited the local fish, because they wanted to nibble us. I am not kidding! I finally made it in despite the scary fish, and they would all swim toward you and start gently sucking. Really weird feeling. I was not woman enough to take it for very long, and I exited the water quickly.

So, here a photo of the fish and their food source.

Evan and another of the teachers from the school (meet Ryan from Australia) hang out in the waterfalls.

The 5th or 6th falls (I can't quite remember; there are 7 total) was a natural water slide. Here are a few shots of Evan making his way down it.

And finally, a last waterfall shot. It was a nice weekend, relaxing and a good start to our explorations of Thailand around here.
Myanmar posts are coming soon, I promise!

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