Monday, December 15, 2008

Humble Abode

It has been a while, hasn't it.  Over two weeks to be exact, and yes I am to blame.  Jessica has tried to get me to update the blog, but to no avail.  Finally though, I bring you our new house in Sam Pran, Thailand.  The house isn't the end all be all, but it is such a comfort after being in a single room for over a month at the hotel, Sam Pran Mansion.

We have air conditioning in our bedroom, and the house cools off quickly in the evening after the windows are opened.  Ants and mosquitoes can be a problem, but by keeping the food put away and the screens closed around dusk there really isn't that much to deal with.  They have this fun to use zapper device here.  It looks like a tennis racket, but instead of strings it has electrified wire.  It can't be that safe, and I've heard it really hurts if you touch it.  However it is extremely good at killing bugs and it gives you a satisfying zap sound when you get them.

Here is our place, starting with our main room:

Our bedroom:

Our guest room/storage room:

Our flushable toilet bathroom:

Our warm shower/non-flushable toilet bathroom:

Our kitchen:
(The sink is off to the left)

The motorbike that comes with the house, all 125cc of it:

Here is a picture of the entrance to the house:

I hopped you like the tour.  I will work on updating the blog regularly, but I am not promising anything.