Welcome to Songkran! A holiday amazing in its ludicrousness and infuriating in its unremorsefulness. For at least a day and as long as two weeks, Songkran, (the water festival) floods through Thailand. The main premise of the holiday is to celebrate the end of the hot season and usher in the rainy season. What better way to do this than have a giant, country wide water fight? You wish I was exaggerating. Supersoakers galore, but those are the knives at a gun fight. The real damage comes from hoses and buckets full of water.

We have now made it down to the islands, we get a Song Taew taxi and start making our way over to the beach. Little did we know the drver was going to take us through all of the areas with people waiting with guns, buckets, and hoses.
Nowhere is safe, and nothing you say or do can make you safe. Have a $10,000 camera, nope that won't save you. Have anything you don't want ruined, well too bad! Have an problem with drunk "foreigners" shooting you in the eye at point blank range, well you better stay home and lock the doors.

One of the ends of Kao San Rd, very busy you see.

On closer inspection, you see a number of water guns and a lot of wet people.

People walking on the street getting hit with a bucket full of water.

A roving truck, one of many, which had large buckets of water to be dumped on people it passed.
Walking down a side street near Kao San Rd.
Walking down a side street near Kao San Rd. You notice the camera has started to get a little blury, yea well at least it is still working with how wet it became.
Ben after "wetting" his pants.

Part of the festival also involves people smearing wet flour, sometimes colored, all over your face and neck.

Eating lunch, and not looking, well that's really too bad!

End result was soaking wet travelers with a bit of colored flour smeared all over them, and this is while we were sitting in the Song Taew.
A big thanks to Ben and Nick, as they took these photos and were willing to put their cameras in harms way.
P.S. And yes, this holiday was in the middle of April, but we were traveling and I am infinitely lazy.
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