You might remember a picture of a kitten in the blog several months ago. I think what I said was that I wanted to take her home from the school, and Evan was saying no at the time. Fast forward a few months, I saw her again, weak from malnutrition, and tormented by the kids, but still friendly and gentle. Evan made the huge mistake of telling me we could take her home at the end of the day if she was still sitting outside the teachers room at school.
She was. So we brought her home, fed her, gave her a bath (she hated that part), and she's been here ever since. That was about a month ago. Here's a picture of her for size comparison, Evan's shoes are in the background, about 6 inches away from her.

Here's a pic Evan took of her. She has amazing eyes.

And another I took.

Crashed out.

It's amazing how civilized she looks with her collar on.

Here's a pan shot I took of her, still a little blurrier than I would like, but it shows how fast she can move. After she started getting food regularly and put some more meat on her bones she's become very energetic. She loves to attack things, and we're working on getting her to put that aggression into toys and nonliving things, instead of our hands or feet. She's learning quickly, but it's still a process.

To keep allergies down and to keep her clean, we've been bathing her every few weeks. Considering how much she hates it, she behaves pretty well, mostly sitting there stoically, waiting it out. Here are a couple shots of her wet. Check out that pink tongue!

That's all for now, check us out soon for another post. If you have questions about life in Thailand you want us to answer on the blog, post them as comments. I think we'll be doing a question and answer post in the next couple of weeks.
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