At this restaurant the rice was shaped like teddy bears when they brought it out.
That's green curry, rice, and a noodle dish. So far, the Thai food here tastes like the Thai food at home. Some of the Thai food at home was even (gasp) better.
And you can't really get roti very often at home, whereas here they're on every street corner. There are several different options with roti: plain, which is like a plain crepe, cut into small squares and drizzled with condensed milk and then sometimes added sugar (the Thai are not afraid of too much sugar); then you can choose banana or egg to go inside, or both if you are feeling decadent. This one is drizzled with chocolate, but I think that's just for the tourists. I haven't seen that option anywhere else.
Here (Sam Phran) the options for vegetarians are more limited, although we have found one place across the street from where we are staying that can make me a couple veggie dishes and some meat for Evan as well. On our first night here we went to an all-you-can-eat restaurant where you fill a plate with raw meat and then cook it over coals at your table. Here's a picture:
In the foreground, the shrimp and other meat stuffs cooking, in the background on the right Jeremy, a fellow new teacher from Napa, of all places! On the left is our new boss, Sam, head teacher at our school. After dinner was over, Jeremy won a pig playing darts.
That's it for now! See you all again soon.
I guess this is why pork from Thailand tastes terrible
Hi you guys, this is Natasha Olano or Tennyson I should say now. I'm so impressed with your decision to live and work with children in Thailand! I check your blog religiously. Sending you good thoughts and hope you're both doing well.
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